atlas by clearpeople

Win more business

Effortless and efficient bid management with Atlas

Atlas simplifies bid and proposal management by centralizing all relevant information in one place, making it easy to share and collaborate. 

With Atlas, produce higher-quality bids faster and more efficiently.

Atlas Bid Hub Clipboard Information in one place easy to find effective cross organization collaboration no time wasted on duplicated effort

Atlas delivers a consolidated, automated and “smart” bid area that enables cross-organization collaboration

  • Create bid workspaces in less than 5 minutes, from an opportunity in your CRM.
  • Surface relevant information fast, saving hours spent searching for and recreating content.
  • Automate processes to reduces manual effort, so your team has more time to create quality bids. 
  • With Bid Hub, add structured knowledge to the company's collective intelligence, for more effective bids.

How Atlas helps win more business?

Quick setup

Bid teams can easily create bid workspaces using ConneX, in less than 5 minutes.

One source of truth

Atlas bid workspaces automatically combine all important information in one place.

Find the right people

Identify the A team using People Profiles.

Capture knowledge

Add It makes it easy for employees to add structured knowledge for more effective bids.

Knowledge Center

Knowledge Centers are the ideal place to publish and share knowledge on bids... and more.

In Focus

In Focus displays news, knowledge, documents and people related to bids.


Win more success stories

"With Atlas, employees will be better equipped to converse with agents, brokers and policy holders about the company, with the tools they need at hand."

Thomas Harmeyer, Executive Vice President, Tokio Marine HCC

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Streamline your bid management process

Save hours of time, increase win ratio and reduce repetition. Atlas for bid management is the best platform for bid teams that want to focus on delivering high quality projects. 

Book a demo now and see how Atlas can help.

Paper kites illustration


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