atlas by clearpeople

Atlas for IT


Atlas 'frees up' IT

Atlas is built specifically for Microsoft 365, enforcing governance, removing support headaches, and leveraging your investment in Microsoft licenses.

User-friendly and intuitive, Atlas enables safe and secure employee self-service. With Atlas, IT departments establish the rules and governance framework for the business. while employees create and manage their own workplaces, contribute content and collaborate freely and securely.

Atlas frees IT teams so they can focus on key business goals.

Manages digital sprawl and duplication

Amplifies Microsoft 365 adoption and usage

Ensures compliance and governance

Unburdens IT from legacy systems

Enables self-service

Breaks down data silos


Case study: Laing O’Rourke

Laing O’Rourke use Atlas to drive their goal to be a digital leader in the construction industry.

"What has been key is the ability to deliver complex features and functionality through a simple and engaging user experience that makes sense to our users wherever they are, in the office, on-site or in a firstline worker role." – Group CIO, Laing O’Rourke

Monitor-teams search dashboard

Atlas connects everything together

Atlas is an all-in-one intelligent knowledge platform that brings coherence to knowledge, communication and collaboration areas across different Microsoft 365 tools.

Atlas solves the ubiquitous problems of too many digital tools, too many silos and too much stuff that's too hard to find. 

Connex Screens vs Teams complete

Self-service is essential. Can your users self-serve?

In remote, flexible or hybrid workplaces self-service is now a must-have. ConneX is a powerful tool for Microsoft 365 provisioning and governance. It lets your users create the Sites, Teams and Groups they need, all backed by a powerful governance framework. And it frees your IT team up to focus on its key objectives.