Most organizations’ people spend a significant part of their working day in Microsoft Teams, but the proliferation of teams and data is often unwieldy, leading to a fragmented and frustrating user experience.
Atlas is the answer, creating a seamless experience that makes Teams easier to use and navigate, adds coherence and increases efficiency. Atlas:
Download the full eBook on how to make Microsoft Teams work for you.
The rapid uptake of Microsoft 365 in the last few years has enabled greater flexibility, collaboration and connectedness. It has also inadvertently entrenched data silos, created an explosion of apps and data and made content harder to track and find.
Atlas integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365 tools, including MS Teams, creating a holistic, engaging, and intuitive Teams experience with all the richness of the app... without the complexity.
Atlas brings Microsoft tools together through a single, intuitive user interface that feels seamless and is logical and easy to navigate.
Atlas provides a user-friendly workspace where you can meet, share files and work securely, even with external stakeholders.
Atlas collates information that sits across systems, documents and Microsoft Teams and provides a search experience that delivers relevant, contextualized results.
Atlas creates secure workspaces, automatically applying your organization’s information management model and customized templates so people can start working straight away.
With Atlas people can access and do everything they need in the flow of work, reducing app switching and enabling people to work smarter.
Atlas makes Teams easier and more powerful to use, enabling companies to get more out of their Microsoft investment.
“I am pleasantly surprised as to how quick and easy the Atlas platform is in refining searches and enabling me to find the information I need within seconds.”
“What has been key is the ability to deliver complex features and functionality through a simple and engaging user experience that makes sense to our users wherever they are, in the office, on-site or in a firstline worker role.”
“Atlas is the cohesive glue that helps us meet the challenges of being a rapidly growing company across different teams and countries – particularly with things like findability and usability.”
“We are able to get more content in a zero friction way and bring that to our users where they are and in the environment they are working in.”
Book a demo with one of our team now and find out how Atlas enhances and empowers the MS Teams experience.