The definition for an "intelligent" workspace or workplace might be different from person to person, but in general it refers to a fully digital environment that is connected and streamlined with automation tools so employees can perform tasks without too much hassle or confusion. An intelligent workspace is one that takes into account employee preferences and helps them get their jobs done better.
The Intelligent Digital Workspace is what organizations should strive for. This is where the big and repeatable business ROI is found!
How? By getting the digital workspace to work for you and helping you spend less time creating more valuable outcomes. Together with modern approaches and cutting-edge AI and automation technologies (like Cognitive Services, Graph and Bots) we are making the future digital workspace a reality today. By minimizing the mundane and repetitive tasks, the Intelligent Workspace enables smart, effective and productive working.
At work, we spend significant amounts of time on mundane tasks. What if we could save each of your employees 5 minutes each day, and next month find another 5 minutes to save? What if we could save up to one hour per day by automating, speeding up or completely removing these tasks from your workforce’s day altogether?
The Intelligent Workspace does just that, using smarter technology to help you do things better and faster. Below are use cases where the Intelligent Workspace can save you at least 5 minutes:
The Intelligent Digital Workspace - What is intelligent about it?