In this Knowledge Fika podcast episode by KnowFlow Value we discuss the importance of contextualizing knowledge, customizing it to the role of everyone, and why content governance is more important than ever before, because of AI services and solutions. We also learn what inspired Katya to start ClearPeople and build her own KM solution, Atlas, targeting the legal-, and professional services, sectors.
About Knowledge Fika - the podcast
Swedish “fika” is a cherished tradition of enjoying coffee and pastries with friends, family or co-workers, creating a cozy and social atmosphere. It is not just about feeding the body but also our souls and brains, when we take mini-breaks throughout the day, to clear our minds and replenish. In this podcast we will sit down with interesting profiles from the global Knowledge Management community, for casual conversations about relevant KM-topics, over a virtual cup of coffee. And of course there will be a lot of talk about AI and AI-powered Knowledge solutions!
Hosted by Rebecka Isaksson & Dawn Brushammar - two Swedish/American multiple time expatriates and repatriates, and partners in podcast & fika crime.
About KnowFlow Value
KnowFlow Value offers direct access to a global network of senior experts in Microsoft 365 and other Microsoft technologies, AI-technology, and the most influential experts in the field of Knowledge Management. Atlas by ClearPeople is a KnowFlow Value partner.