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The role of Microsoft Teams within Project Management


Collaboration and communication across the organization is essential for project management teams. So it's important that project management teams have the right tools to be able to work effectively. Microsoft Teams provides a channel of communication that contributes to project management success.

Using Microsoft Teams out-of-the-box for Project Management success

Microsoft Teams provides a platform for project management teams, enabling real-time conversations, document management, and much more. This blog covers how you can effectively use Microsoft Teams for project teamwork.


Accessible group work with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams links with OneDrive, Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint, allows all documents to be stored and accessed in one place. Project Management teams can utilize the Microsoft Office suite to collaborate in real-time on projects and documents. This is particularly useful when working on projects where time is a factor.

Department wide updates using Microsoft TeamsRaising hand with puzzle piece illustration transparent cyan

By creating channels for the department, Project Management teams can quickly provide updates, feedback and coordinate work projects. This allows for a quicker and leaner work process that benefits the Project Management team.

Streamline project communications

With Microsoft Teams, Project Management teams can streamline project communications and collaborate more closely on key accounts.

Microsoft Tasks by Planner and To Do

This app is available in Microsoft Teams and consolidates your To Do tasks and your Planner tasks in one place. This project management tool tracks and manages all project tasks in one convenient app. Create, assign, and track tasks individually or collaboratively with your team, and see everything come together in one place.

On your left-side navigation bar of Microsoft Teams, you may see Tasks by Planner and To Do. This was previously called Planner. If you don’t see this, click on the Ellipsis icon at the bottom of the navigation list to add the app.

This can be also be added as a new tab within a Teams Channel.

When to use Microsoft To Do vs. Microsoft Tasks

To Do

Tasks by Planner and To Do

Manage individual tasks across To Do, Outlook, and Planner

Your organization has a Microsoft 365 subscription (business, enterprise, or education)

Make daily to-do lists

Manage and schedule teamwork visually

Share specific lists with teammates and friends

Use charts to track progress


Collaborate across Planner, Teams, and Outlook using Microsoft Groups

Microsoft provides more guidance on Microsoft To Do vs Microsoft Planner. 


Making MS Teams a powerful platform for Project Management Work

Microsoft Teams can be extended to make it a powerful platform for project management teams. 

End-to-end project teamwork within Microsoft Teams

Project workspaces customized to your preferences are automatically created so you can organize, manage and monitor them, all from within MS Teams. You no longer have to switch applications and waste time searching for project information. 

Atlas for project work: A single view of all your projects


With Atlas, which is built on and for Microsoft 365, you can see your and your team's projects in one intuitive and collaborative workspace. Smart filtering lets you find what you're looking for easily; you can search projects by customer, team member, subject area and more.

  • Atlas provides an intuitive interface to the powerful tools that come with Microsoft 365, so you can make the most of them.
  • See your projects in one collaborative workspace.
  • No more app-switching: Atlas allows end-to-end project teamwork within Microsoft Teams.
  • Fast, powerful search and smart filtering makes information readily available.
  • Automation and workspace provisioning free people up from mundane tasks to focus instead on quality outcomes.

Learn more about Atlas for Project Work



These are just a few examples of how well Microsoft Teams works within a project management team and how it can contribute to its success. Of course each company is different and maybe Microsoft Teams has been able to help your project management team in other ways?

Read more about Atlas for Project Work which makes project management even easier and more efficient without the need for additional software.

Atlas highly rated in ClearBox report 

ClearBox Consulting has released their recent report, featuring Atlas among a list of the top 20 vendors in the space.

"Atlas sits squarely on top of Microsoft 365 and is legitimately pitched as being a ‘digital workplace’ platform, rather than just an intranet....Atlas offers some very valuable tools that set it apart from the competition."

ClearBox Intranet and Employee Experience Platforms Report 2023

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Barry Wakelin

Barry Wakelin

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