atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    Viva Topics is retired... now what?  FAQs and alternatives to Viva Topics

    On February 22, 2024 Microsoft announced that Viva Topics will be retired (

    If you are here because you are looking for an alternative to Viva Topics, you can jump straight to read Atlas Knowledge Topics pages here.

    Enhancing Multi-Channel Campaign Management with Viva Amplify + Atlas

    In today's fast-paced digital landscape, effective communication is key for organizations to reach their target audiences. Microsoft is constantly innovating to provide new tools that streamline communication processes. The latest addition to their suite, Viva Amplify, offers a comprehensive solution for communication managers to create multi-channel campaigns with approvals, workflows and reports. This article explores how Viva Amplify integrates with Atlas and how Atlas not only improves the experience but also improves governance and advanced analytics.

    Microsoft Viva explained. All you need to know about the Viva Suite.

    Microsoft Viva explained: in this comprehensive blog, we'll unravel Microsoft's latest employee experience platform called Microsoft Viva.  Microsoft Viva is a suite of applications that integrates with Microsoft 365 to support, inspire, and empower individuals and teams. From advanced learning opportunities and insightful analytics to OKR goal setting and engaging teams with communities.

    What is Microsoft (MS) Viva Engage and does it replace Yammer?

    Microsoft Viva Engage is part of the Microsoft Viva employee experience platform and was launched on 19 July 2022 at Microsoft Inspire.

    Topics covered in this blog:

    All you need to know about Microsoft Viva Goals

    Viva Goals is the new addition to the Viva Suite for business goal setting and management. The point of Microsoft Viva Goals, Microsoft says, is to provide “the missing link between employee experience and business outcomes” through clear, consistent business goal setting. 

    Last update: 1st November 2022

    In this blog: 

    How to Exclude Suggested Viva Topics

    The amazing thing about Microsoft Viva Topics is how well the AI engine is able to discover and group together lots of content from across your SharePoint Online estate. It is really quite phenomenal to see Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing in action like this and we're getting the same positive and excited reaction from our clients who are using Viva Topics.

    Microsoft Viva Learning - Features and Licensing

    MS Viva Learning is available as an app within Teams. Organisations and their users can access Viva Learning's features either through a 'seeded' or 'premium' license.

    Microsoft Viva Learning Explained

    Excited about Microsoft Viva Learning?

    You may have seen Microsoft's announcements about Viva Learning or perhaps you're simply wondering what Viva Learning is?

    Microsoft Teams & Viva: the new central hub for company culture and employee wellbeing

    The current rate of Microsoft Teams adoption is monumental. This trend has been excelling for the last few years. Statistics show staggering rises, for example between 2019 and Q2 2021 the number of Microsoft Teams users jumped from 20 million to 145 million.

    5 ways to enhance employee experience and improve intranet engagement

    Digital working practices are now a fundamental aspect of most people’s working lives. The reliance on intranets and digital workplace software has increased tremendously during the pandemic. The likes of Microsoft have seen a huge uptake of digital workplace software (Microsoft 365) as businesses look to technology to keep employees connected. 

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