atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    Microsoft Teams & Viva: the new central hub for company culture and employee wellbeing

    The current rate of Microsoft Teams adoption is monumental. This trend has been excelling for the last few years. Statistics show staggering rises, for example between 2019 and Q2 2021 the number of Microsoft Teams users jumped from 20 million to 145 million.

    Microsoft Advanced Specialization: Custom Solutions for Microsoft Teams

    ClearPeople is the first Microsoft partner to globally achieve this new Microsoft Advanced Specialization. This is an incredible achievement that we are all proud of.

    Why is focus shifting to Employee Experience Platforms?

    The aim of an employee experience platform is to help employees bring about balance to their working lives. The modern working life is becoming increasingly digitalised. This has many benefits including more flexibility and convenience within the working day.

    Adding Azure DevOps release notifications to Microsoft Teams

    Everyday we spend a number of hours diving in Microsoft Teams. There are a lot of actions that we can perform from there; opening documents, attending meetings, chat with different members of the team, and much more.

    The only shortcut in Teams you need to know

    This may be the shortest blog ever written - but then again, that might be fitting for a blog dedicated to the only keyboard shortcut you will ever need to know in Teams. I just wish I had spotted it sooner myself.

    4 easy steps to shorten and rename links in Microsoft Teams

    Ever sent a link in Microsoft Teams that was so long it took up half your screen?

    Is Microsoft the best digital workplace solution?

    The digital workplace as a concept has been getting a lot of attention especially in the Microsoft ecosystem. The modern digital workplace is forcing companies to rethink how we work best and where we work, changing our traditional workplace into more of a digital workplace.

    How to add the new Yammer Communities app in Microsoft Teams

    The new Yammer experience is finally here, and has been made available by Microsoft for desktop users through the Communities app in the Teams store for free.

    Cool trick to customise your background in Microsoft Teams

    A few days back, Microsoft launched a new feature for Teams called Background Effects which everybody seems to be loving and using.

    Private Groups not appearing in SharePoint Search

    One of the main steps when provision Teams, is calling Microsoft Graph API, to, well, provision the Team. Although the Team was provisioned correctly, we realised that the Team (and therefore all the content related to the Team, like files in the SharePoint library) was not surfaced in the Office 365 search (or SharePoint search if you will). So nothing at all was coming up for the Owner of the Team. Why was that?