D&I Portal - supporting a Diversity & Inclusion Communication Strategy
Diversity and Inclusion is being treated by some organisations as a key business strategy. Experts are unanimous in that Diversity and Inclusion is not a “project”.
Diversity and Inclusion is being treated by some organisations as a key business strategy. Experts are unanimous in that Diversity and Inclusion is not a “project”.
ClearPeople is built on six distinct values that completely embody our culture, such as “One Family” and “People-First”. We may take this as obvious or common sense, but recent events have shown we still have a long way to go and change is needed. At ClearPeople we believe that everyone has the right to be treated fairly and with respect.
McKinsey research has found there is a positive correlation between gender diversity and financial performance. There is no doubt that women are massively out-numbered by men in the tech sector and here at ClearPeople, we’re keen to fly the flag when it comes recruiting and nurturing some of the best female talent in the industry. But what is it like to be a woman today in the world of technology? We asked some of our female employees to share their views and experiences.