atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    Some thoughts on working from home

    It’s an oft-repeated comment, but we really are having to learn to live our lives in ways that are as novel as Covid-19 itself. How long we’ll have to do so remains something of a mystery but with no vaccine in sight, we can assume that it’s going to be for longer than we might perhaps like. So, how am I managing my self-isolation and what might be the upsides?

    Our Best Practices When Working from Home

    In the wake of all the changes and uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, ClearPeople are working hard to keep our spirits up and our business running as smoothly as possible given the circumstances. We are lucky that the digital workspace is what we do for a living, and we already give most employees the option of working from home up to three days per week as part of our wellbeing and flexibility benefits, so in many ways we were well-prepared for a “new normal”.

    Working the way we know best, despite the disruption of COVID-19

    Even if you have been living under a rock the past 3 months, you would have heard about COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, which is reaching all corners of the globe.  

    20 Ways we Strive to Create a more Diverse and Inclusive Workspace

    A strong diversity and inclusion (D&I) strategy can help organisations drive innovative results, yet D&I continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing the technology industry. In efforts to push for cultural inclusion and equality in the workforce, here are some of the ways ClearPeople is putting D&I at the forefront of how we do business.

    Become a Nielsen Norman Group Annual Intranet Design award winner?

    Step this way.

    The Intelligent Digital Workspace - What is intelligent about it?

    You may have heard the term “Intelligent Digital Workspace” or  “Intelligent Workspace” while researching your modern digital workspace or intranet project. And if you haven’t come across it yet ... you have now! But what is an intelligent digital workspace, really?

    Why an Intranet?

    The year is 2019 and intranets have been around for over 25 years now, well at least the form of what we now know as an intranet. And yet, some companies still neglect their intranet either because they collaborate in other ways, fear a lack of adoption or because they simply feel that it wouldn’t be of use.

    The Future of Microsoft Teams, O365 Groups and Yammer #2

    Discussing the future of Microsoft Teams, Office 365 and Yammer

    How many five minutes can you find?

    I'm finding myself thinking a lot about 5 minute blocks. I see these blocks of time all around me - my day is made up of them. 

    Often they annoy me because I could have done more in those 5 minutes. I am mainly aware of this during my working day. Outside of work I don’t mind so much. I quite enjoy having an extra 5 minutes where I'm not expected to do anything - to watch the kids play a mindless PS4 game, or convincing my wife that it is OK to chill for 5 minutes.

    The Future of Microsoft Teams, O365 Groups and Yammer #1

    Microsoft Teams went into General Availability earlier this month, and with no immediately obvious guidelines on how it related to / differed from Office 365 Groups and Yammer, hundreds of posts popped up asking for and discussing the differences and trying to help others make an informed decision on which product to take forward.