atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    Nourish MS Copilot with good information - or risk bad information

    Rubbish in. Rubbish out.

    Anyone involved in building or delivering search solutions, or enterprise content management more widely, will subscribe to this mantra. Which, if said in more diplomatic terms, means that if you don't have good content, how can you expect to have good outcomes? Such as high quality search results.

    Using OpenAI NodeJS library in SharePoint calling Azure OpenAI service

    Unless you are in a desert island with no internet connection, you have heard about ChatGPT. In its own words (and I really mean it, as I have asked ChatGPT for a short summary about it):

    Should you track employee workload in the digital workplace?

    Digital working is great for several reasons, most notably that employees enjoy greater flexibility over their working hours, while employers aren’t obliged to provide constant oversight during office time. One downside of digital working though, is that it can be difficult to track employee workload and productivity without an office presence.

    Are Ideation Software Platforms a good idea?

    In business, ideation means generating and developing new ideas to solve a problem or improve a product, process or service. Ideation is typically aimed at solving a problem or providing a more efficient means of doing or accomplishing something.

    In this blog:

    Best Practices for SharePoint Metadata and Managed Metadata

    Ever tried to find something on your business systems and got nothing, nada, zilch? I think we can all relate.

    Best practices for SharePoint Document Libraries

    What are best practices when it comes to SharePoint document libraries? And why is it so important to get it right? 

    Tips & tools for improving Microsoft Teams and the search experience

    Ever tried to find something on Teams and got nowhere? I think we can all relate. Google or Bing 'Microsoft Teams search' and you'll see a long list with terms like 'Microsoft Teams search not working'.

    How to make hybrid working successful

    Hybrid working is no longer wishful thinking, a trend or a prophecy: hybrid working is happening and companies have to find ways to make it work for them and their people.

    SharePoint Term Store management and restoring deleted metadata

    Have you ever deleted managed metadata term sets in SharePoint? Do you know the consequence of deleting managed metadata terms sets?

    Why you should disable email notifications in Microsoft Teams

    Since the arrival of the most extended email protocols back in the 1980s our inbox has become the center of everything happening around us and our digital live.