Corporate Memory, also known as organizational memory, is the accumulated knowledge, experience, and expertise of an organization. It is a critical aspect of productivity and knowledge management in large organizations. In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations must harness their corporate memory to drive innovation, maintain a competitive edge, and enhance overall productivity. This article delves into the concept of corporate memory, its importance in the context of productivity and knowledge management, and how it relates to the idea of collective intelligence, drawing on some of the work of James Surowiecki.
The AI technology space is expanding rapidly and with that a whole new vocabulary needs to be learned. I have gathered many of those that I come across on a frequent basis (I actually maintain this as an internal resource in our company as well).
For now, I have split into Generic AI terms; Semantic Kernel; Microsoft Copilot; Advanced AI Terms and Popular AI terms.
With examples from some of our legal customers, this blog explores how law firms use technology like Atlas to streamline their processes and enhance user and client experiences – and how this impacts productivity.
There is a lot of information out there about AI and in particular Generative AI - and locating a few decent learning courses for beginners can feel a bit daunting.
In this blog we will explore:
You may be one of the many pondering over this question: How do I provide access to ChatGPT (or other LLM type of AI) while protecting your IP (intellectual property) and governing the results.
And it is clear, you are not alone, as we are seeing an big increase in enquiries from Atlas customers -and prospective customers - looking to understand how to deliver safe and useful approaches for their users to engage with AI, and therefore would like to understand more about Atlas Prometheus.
Microsoft today (July 18 2023) announced Bing Chat Enterprise, an AI-powered chat solution for businesses. Bing Chat Enterprise is rolling out in preview today and is included at no additional cost in Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard and Business Premium. Microsoft announced that in the future, it will be available as a stand-alone offering for $5 per user, per month.
Strategies for gathering and harnessing knowledge have existed in law firms for decades. And one of the key reasons is that the ability to access, share and leverage knowledge effectively can make a significant difference in client service, efficiency and the firm’s overall success.
Recently, we had the need to deny External (also referred to as Guest) users to consume some endpoints of our Atlas API. You should be aware that if your Tenant has enabled external users, an external user can get a valid token and call your AAD secured API. This might or might not be what you want.