What’s the difference between Standard and Private channels in Teams?
Do you understand the differences between standard and private channels?
Do you understand the differences between standard and private channels?
Since the arrival of the most extended email protocols back in the 1980s our inbox has become the center of everything happening around us and our digital live.
The current rate of Microsoft Teams adoption is monumental. This trend has been excelling for the last few years. Statistics show staggering rises, for example between 2019 and Q2 2021 the number of Microsoft Teams users jumped from 20 million to 145 million.
Digital working practices are now a fundamental aspect of most people’s working lives. The reliance on intranets and digital workplace software has increased tremendously during the pandemic. The likes of Microsoft have seen a huge uptake of digital workplace software (Microsoft 365) as businesses look to technology to keep employees connected.
ClearPeople is the first Microsoft partner to globally achieve this new Microsoft Advanced Specialization. This is an incredible achievement that we are all proud of.
The aim of an employee experience platform is to help employees bring about balance to their working lives. The modern working life is becoming increasingly digitalised. This has many benefits including more flexibility and convenience within the working day.
We have noticed that our clients who have successfully transitioned to remote working have a common trait: an agile mindset.
In my last blog, I looked at Hybrid Working and the key questions any organisation should be addressing in developing an effective Hybrid Working Strategy (HWS).