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Why modern intranets are the key to a contemporary workplace


Since 2020, remote and hybrid working has revolutionised the modern workplace. While remote working was initially implemented as a temporary solution to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, many workplaces have now shifted exclusively to remote working, or found ways to integrate a hybrid element to the employee experience.

One of the key elements in an effective remote or hybrid workplace is an optimised SharePoint intranet, where employees and management can task-share, delegate, share knowledge, make decisions and communicate about the day-to-day running of their business efficiently.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at 4 reasons why modern intranets are the gateway to an efficient, contemporary workplace, and how your business can benefit from using one - even if your company isn’t fully remote.

Understanding employee needs in the modern workplace

Before we discuss the benefits of intranet platforms, it’s important to understand why and how the workplace has changed so much in the last few years.

The pandemic and post-pandemic period radically changed many pre-conceived notions about the workplace, particularly when it came to work-life balance. With the implementation of remote working in 2020, many employees reported being able to achieve a healthier equilibrium between their professional duties and their personal lives; with time saved on commuting and unnecessary meetings, employees were able to spend more time on childcare, cooking, exercising and their family. In almost every study conducted, employees favoured remote working to office working.

When lockdowns were lifted, many workplaces implemented immediate “back-to-business” policies, expecting employees to return to the office full-time now once there were no official government-ordered restrictions on office working. This triggered one of the greatest mass employee resignations of any modern period, and this economic trend is set to continue well into 2022 and 2023.

So, why did so many workers quit the workforce post-COVID, and how are modern companies able to buck this trend in the future? It’s simple: employees are prioritising job satisfaction and work-life balance more than they thought they could in the pre-pandemic era. This is why offering remote working opportunities (with technology to support the transition) is the key to retaining employees in the coming decade.

4 benefits of using a modern intranet

So, how can you optimise a remote work place to ensure the same level of productivity, engagement and communication as an in-person work environment? Here are a few ways:

1. Improves communication

Building an intranet is the easiest way to simplify task-sharing, delegation and business knowledge with your employees. It takes time and company resources to train every employee on various content-sharing platforms, so it’s much more effective to gather all key information in the same place.

Moving to a platform that prioritises user experience and functionality can speed up workflow and make communication faster, simpler, and more flexible.

2. Enhances employee experience

A workplace in 2022 means offering a rewarding employee experience, especially if you’re looking to buck current economic trends.

A study by researcher Josh Bersin found that businesses with the right EX strategies are 5.1 times more likely to retain employees: this means it’s critical for management to offer policies that promote job satisfaction.

Along with remote opportunities for your employees, it’s important to include a digital interface for remote working: intranets allow for flexible, easy communication and collate business knowledge in one place. An intranet supports remote or hybrid working.

3. Boosts productivity

Unnecessary administration is a productivity-killer, which is why it’s always a good idea to keep the number of content systems, platforms and communication channels to a minimum.

Not only does office productivity suffer when employees are expected to hop between various platforms and communication channels, it’s also a waste of company time; employees might feel overwhelmed by admin tasks rather than the productive work of their actual job. An efficient, user-friendly intranet system reduces the time spent on admin and frees up working hours for your business and employees.

4. Designed for growth

The intranet systems of the pre-pandemic era were not adequately optimised to promote growth, nor were they optimised to reflect the unique user experience. Pre-COVID, many systems offered a one-size-fits-all approach to digital workplace tools, failing to cater for the real demands of the workplace.

However, innovation in intranet technology exploded in 2020. Now you can now use digital interfaces that offer a customised experience for employees at all levels of your business. Not only does this allow for a more efficient onboarding experience for new employees, it also promotes cohesion and engagement across all departments and teams.

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Atlas by ClearPeople

Atlas by ClearPeople

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