Blogs about Atlas, Microsoft 365, Teams

Microsoft Loop, the future of document creation and collaboration

Written by Atlas by ClearPeople | Oct 10, 2022 7:51:46 AM

I and many others think that Microsoft Loop is the future of document creation and collaboration. Here's why:

Here's a scenario we can all imagine: you're in MS Teams, and you have a team chat going on. You want to work in a table so you can capture area sales data (for example). How do you do this?

Currently you can create an Excel worksheet and save that in the Files tab of Teams. But that means leaving the chat or swapping to Excel which breaks up the flow of the chat. Loop components allow you to insert a table (and bulleted list, checklist, numbered list, paragraph and task list) directly into the chat. The great thing about this is that everyone in the chat can edit the table without having to share it separately.

Not only can you access this table in the chat at any time, but it can also be found from within your OneDrive. Plus, you can update the table in your OneDrive and the changes will be reflected in the chat. This gives you a central hub from which to update all your Microsoft Loop components – no hunting around for where that component is. In addition, the table can be shared with others and again, anyone updating that table from anywhere updates all the other tables.

That sounds pretty good ... but wait! The best is yet to come! In the future you'll be able to drop Loop components into pretty much any MS application. Now imagine you're writing a report and you want the sales figures you started with in the Teams chat, in your report. Not only can you drop those figures in, but that component updates as other people work on it it as well. You always have the latest figures in your report!

MS Loop components free content from the applications traditionally used to create them, are always updatable, shareable and easy to find.

And that's why I think Microsoft Loop is the future of content creation and collaboration. You'll be able to create components in any application, drop them into other applications, easily share them and update them.


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