atlas by clearpeople

ClearBox Intranet and Employee Experience Platforms Report 2023



ClearBox Consulting's annual report is the buyer’s guide to intranet and employee experience platforms. The 810-page report reviews every category of intranet — including stand-alone intranet software, ‘in-a-box’ products for SharePoint, employee communication platforms, and the new breed of employee experience platforms that offer desktop and mobile apps.

Who is the ClearBox report for?

This report will be of interest to those working in Internal Comms, HR, and IT departments. It is valuable for anyone invested in providing outstanding digital employee experience for their organisation. Those looking to purchase a new intranet or employee experience platform product, will find guidance and comprehensive comparisons of leading vendors in this report. 


Download a free copy of the ClearBox report


Atlas, the best Digital Workplace and Intranet platform for Microsoft 365

Built for Microsoft 365, the Atlas Digital Workplace and Intranet platform enables better ways of working for the modern enterprise. With Atlas, your employees can find the knowledge, documents, information and tools they need - in seconds - allowing them to focus on doing their best work.

Some of the world's most recognised medium and large organisations trust Atlas to solve today's working problems; surfacing content and knowledge, and removing silos that hinder collaboration.


ClearBox view in one tweet:

“Atlas from @ClearPeople is a high-end add on for SharePoint & Teams that excels as a knowledge and information management tool. It will particularly appeal to document-centric industries such as law firms.”

Highlights from the ClearBox 2023 report:

  • Its primary differentiator is the way it can bring coherence across collaboration spaces and content that may be scattered over different Microsoft 365 tools.
  • Atlas is ahead of many with its out-of-the-box integration with Microsoft Viva.
  • "On the communication side, Atlas creates a highly targeted publishing experience for news, events and resources based on tags. The intranet component embeds well in Teams, and adds a friendlier menu than Viva Connections plus some attractive presentation web parts."
  • Of all the products we have seen ClearPeople have the most advanced vision for how Viva Topics can be leveraged effectively.
  • For companies looking to take a more structured approach to how they manage knowledge, govern collaboration spaces, and ultimately get more from their Microsoft 365 investment, Atlas offers some very valuable tools that set it apart from the competition.
  • Atlas customers were fulsome in their praise for the service they received. “Fantastic. 10/10 - just wish all suppliers were like ClearPeople”


"For companies looking to take a more structured approach to how they manage knowledge, govern collaboration spaces, and ultimately get more from their Microsoft 365 investment, Atlas offers some very valuable tools that set it apart from the competition."

ClearBox Intranet and Employee Experience Platforms Report 2023


Key benefits of Atlas Digital Workplace Platform:

  • Atlas provides one of the most comprehensive and capable platforms for supporting knowledge management processes on top of Microsoft 365.
  • The search- and metadata-driven approach is very versatile, and the ConneX governance and workspace provisioning tool is solidly implemented.
  • There are some attractive web parts for publishers, including In Focus, which enables users to subscribe to topics, and HoverPoint, which makes it easy to map hotspots to clickable images such as maps and plans.
  • People search is considerably improved over Microsoft’s offering, in particular the ability to search for experts by skills, location, and department etc.

    diagram illustrating Atlas Hoverpoint feature with 3 pop up screens on a blue background with dots and images like a bird and keys

About ClearBox

ClearBox is a specialist independent consultancy that believes in making the workplace a better and more productive experience. Their consultants provide advice on intranets and the wider digital workplace, including internal social networks, enterprise mobile strategies, and real-time collaboration tools.

They develop good working relationships with market-leading vendors and new entrants, to provide in-depth consulting in the intranet and digital workplace field.

Download ClearBox’s 2023 intranet and employee experience platforms report

Atlas 2023 Clearbox report with Badge book mockup


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Atlas by ClearPeople

Atlas by ClearPeople

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